350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
physician-ecological monitoring
electric skinpoints diagnostics
adaptation's potential
ecological situation of the region
A.V. Sudarushkin, K.Yu. Mihaylichenko, A.Ya. Chizhov
Children in ecologically contrasting regions studied, at the age of 8-10 years, the most important period for the formation of the adaptation of the stereotype, the future health, quality of life, the probability of disease initially have a significantly different start level of health, or adaptive poten-tial capacity. The rest of the "countdown" of adaptation "loss" at children from less environmentally friendly region is initially expected from a lower point. The above conclusion is based on a com-parison of basic indicators electropunktual diagnostics (average current of Biological active point (BAP) and disbalance of currents) in the large groups of examined children. We examined 360 per-sons (2 groups of children aged 4-7 and 8-10 years old numbering 90 people each) from the towns. Lyubertsy and Pavlovsky Posad. The method allows the EPD (electro punctual diagnostics) monitoring of the anthropoecological situation in prenosological step and to take the necessary action in time. Initially, the worst situation of children from ecologically unfavorable region sup-poses to high the intensity of necessary sanitary measures in it compared with environmentally safe regions. Monitoring the effectiveness of these activities should be conducted in the regime of continuous electropuncture monitoring. From an economic point of view this methodic gives rather technique when high degree of reliability of the results and requires minimal resources. Carrying out of similar studies, it is possible with a high degree of reliability to compared the results of negative influence on children's body of environmental factors in different regions, as well as in a certain region in the dynamics.
Pages: 30-35
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