350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
S.V. Rezvykh, I.N. Spiridonov
Electroretinography provides an objective measure of the loss of retinal function in affected eyes. In the clinic it is a powerful diagnostic tool employed to assess the physiological integrity of the retina. Electroretinographic parameters are a quantitative measure of all retinal dysfunctions. However visual method of electroretinographic parameters measurement causes a measurement error and reduces a diagnostic accuracy. In presented work a new method of automatic electroretinographic parameters measurement was proposed. Electroretinogram extremes were analyzed for detecting «extremum form» singularity for the new method development. The method of automatic electroretinographic parameters measurement includes three devel-oped algorithms: extremes detecting and markers setting algorithm, «extremum form» detecting algorithm, extremes extrapolation algorithm. The new method enables to reduce relative error of electroretinographic parameters meas-urement by 8% in amplitude and 10% in time in comparison with visual method. The method of automatic electroretinographic parameters measurement increases measure-ment accuracy and faithfulness of electroretinographic examination.
Pages: 18-23
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