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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Cellular signaling mechanisms involved in the human skeletal muscle atrophy development during chronic alcoholic muscle disease
E.A. Lysenko, Yu.V. Kazantseva, O.E. Zinovyeva, N.N. Yakhno, B.S. Shenkman
Chronic alcoholic muscle disease (CAMD) is considered to be one of the wide-spread manifestations of the alcoholic disease, although its pathogenesis is still unclear. It is believed that the main cause of the CAMD development is the impairment of the protein synthesis in muscle fibers. The work was aimed to analyze the signaling mechanisms governing the translation machinery in the skeletal muscle of patients with the chronic alcoholic disease. 38 patients with the chronic al-coholic intoxication were investigated. The clinical manifestations of the skeletal muscle impair-ment corresponded well to the fiber atrophy degree in m.vastus lateralis m. quadriceps femoris. The sufficient decrement of the myonuclei number and quantity of muscle satellite cells were revealed in patients with the pronounced muscle fiber atrophy. In these patients the significant decrease of the serum IGF-I concentration. We were the first to demonstrate the decline of the total content and the degree of phosphorylation of the ribosomal kinases p70S6K and p90RSK. It was shown that the alterations of the signaling protein kinases were the early event in the alcohol-induced skeletal muscle impairment preceding the morphological manifestations of atrophy.
Pages: 38-44
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