350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
R.А. Usupov, Y.S. Zhuravleva, Sh.R. Usupov
The article presents the analysis of the factors influencing on quality health of the population. So, in modern conditions there is not enough ценностное the attitude to health of the man at a public level, that is a serious obstacle for increase of motivation to preservation and strengthening of individual health. It is shown on personal level low behaviour by activity and activity in relation to the health, and at a public level by low productivity of the traditional approaches to preservation of health of the population. The reasons it can be alongside with the unsufficient level of knowledge of the people about reserves of the physical and mental health, mechanisms and ways of their use also unsufficient attention of the state to public health and increase of resources of life-support of the population, so its "qualities". Therefore, for increase of positive motivation to health by the population it is necessary to concentrate efforts on education of culture of health of the man, psychological perception of the category "health" as values necessary for maximal the personal and professional self-realization. With each day more and more sharp and urgent there is a problem of health and, accordingly, serviceability of young generation of the Russians, which in the future will define development of our state. Therefore today it is necessary to make everything, that the youth actively was engaged in physical culture and sports. It can be realized with use of modern technologies of improving physical culture, in particular "fitness", which development is directed on realization need of the population in improvement and healthy image of life.
Pages: 53-56
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