350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
T.V. Koroteeva
The article is devoted to study seasonal change blood lipid levels in the healthy women. The 195 healthy women volunteers aged 20 to 30 years in mid-follicular and mid-luteal phase of the men-strual cycle were examined four times of the year: in winter (January, February), spring (April, May), summer (July, August) and autumn (October, November). Is established, that in the healthy women the level total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglyce-rides, free fatty acids and apolipoprotein В in the blood serum significant higher in the winter, HDL cholesterol and C-reactive protein - spring, apolipoprotein А-1  summer, and lipoproteins of very low density cholesterol  autumn (p < 0,05). The average annual meaning The average annual meaning of the concentration total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, apolipoprotein В and C-reactive protein significant higher in the mid-follicular phase, lipoproteins of very low density cholesterol and apolipoprotein А-1 - in the mid-luteal (p < 0,05). Is revealed, that the maximal meanings of the atherogenic index and ratio ApoВ/ApoА-I were observed in the winter, and minimal  summer (р < 0,05). The average annual meaning of the atherogenic index significant higher in the mid-luteal phase, and ApoВ/АpoА-I in mid-follicular (p < 0,05). Thus the statistically significant seasonal variation of blood lipid levels in healthy women in different phase of the menstrual cycle are revealed.
Pages: 35-38
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