350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
S.V. Notova, S.V. Miroshnikov, A.A. Barabash
The article is devoted to study of hair elemental composition features and indices of lipid level in blood of female aged 35 to 50 years. Is established the rise of cholesterol level, levels of low-density lipoproteid cholesterol and extremely low-density lipoproteid cholesterol and decrease of high-density lipoproteid cholesterol, which means the atherosclerosis risk growth. The result correlates with low levels of Mg, As, Fe, Zn, Li, Co, and Se in hair.
The study of elemental status of men with different lipid levels in blood is represented in this article. 103 healthy men aged 35 to 50 took part in the experiment. The following characteristics were examined with the help of biochemical analyzer Clima MC-15 A/O: levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoproteid, extremely low-density lipoproteid, high-density lipoproteid. Determination of the hair elemental status was made with the help of atom-emission and mass-spectrometry with inductively enclosed argon plasma.
The misbalance of essential and toxic elements was detected among female with different levels of lipid metabolism. Is established that high levels of cholesterol, low-density lipoproteid cholesterol and extremely low-density lipoproteid cholesterol and low level of high-density lipoproteid cholesterol, which means the atherosclerosis risk growth, correlates with low levels of Mg, As, Fe, Zn, Li, Co, and Se. The decrease of several toxic elements (Cd, Pd, Hg) was detected in the same patient group.
Thus, the changes of blood biochemistry which correspond to different pathological conditions are frequently followed by decrease of toxic and non-toxic elements. The conclusion is that hypoelemental conditions are more clinical significant in comparison with high element levels in hair.
Pages: 31-34
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