350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
A.V. Kutenyov, B.B. Radysh, A.V. Uvarova
The purpose of work studying of physiological parametres of age dynamics of pupil reflex and biomicroscopy indicators of sclera. 368 persons (156 men and 212 women) are surveyed. 206 were healthy people (control group), and 162 with initial insufficiency of brain blood circulation, have been subdivided into 2 groups: 1) patients of middle age (185 persons) and 2) advanced age (183 persons). Registration of pupil reactions was spent binocular synchronous on a computer Iritech DM-2000. The scleral biomicroscopy was spent on the basis of computer processing of the video image of a condition of microvessels on a computer complex BEXELIRINA. Results of research: at healthy people lengthening and easing of pupil reactions to light with the years is observed. The amplitude of narrowing of a pupil in process of organism ageing decreases. It depends also on an initial condition of width of a pupil which in turn depends on refraction infringement. At patients with initial insufficiency of brain blood circulation more expressed lengthening and easing зрачковой reactions to light, than at almost healthy people, especially at persons of middle age is observed. Considerable percent direct and indirect indicators of change of scleral microcirculation in the form of arteriol-s spasm 167 (occupy also 45,4 %), aggregations of erythrocytes 108 (29,3 %) in venulas, blood-groove delay in venulas 179 (48,6 %). Age features pupil reactions and biomicroscopy indicators of sclera can be used as the test of definition of biological age on the basis of parametres of a functional condition of structures of a brain and microcirculation. Research of pupil reactions at mass routine inspections will allow to allocate contingents with latent and initial forms of a vascular pathology of a brain for primary or secondary preventive maintenance and treatment.
Pages: 59-61
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