350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
T.V. Grishina, N.E. Komleva, V.F. Spirin, V.A. Medentsov, S.G. Plotnikov
In practice, many doctors in many specialties most often encountered patients complaining of pain in the shoulder and shoulder girdle. In 85% cases caused pain in his shoulder is a pathologi-cal structures musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous system. One of the most informative diag-nostic tool, reflecting the state of the peripheral nervous system, upper body is ENMG. Elektro-neyoromiografichesky research method reveals the localization of the lesion, determine the severity of the disturbed functions, determine the stage and nature of the pathological process, to monitor the motor-sensory disturbances at the stage of subclinical manifestations of the disease. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of functional changes in the pe-ripheral nervous system in patients with pain in his shoulder and compared the data obtained from both rural and urban residents as a result of elektroneyromiograficheskogo survey. On the basis of occupational diseases clinic FSIS Saratov NIISG was conducted elektroney-romiograficheskoe survey 108 patients. Patient age ranged from 30 to 60 years, among them men - 52 men, women - 56 people. The main group consisted of patients complaining of pain in his shoulder in the control group were included conditionally healthy individuals (without complaints of pain in his shoulder). Patients with pain in his shoulder, in turn, were subdivided into two sub-groups. In the first comprises rural areas. The second group consisted of urban residents. All groups were matched by sex, age and occupation (workers and employees in all study groups were in equal proportions). To evaluate the functional state of the peripheral nervous system was ap-plied stimulatory Electroneuromyography (Myography production company "Neyromian"). We ex-amined indicators obtained when testing the motor axons of the median and ulnar nerves in the standard imposing surface plate electrodes. For the analysis the following parameters: the ampli-tude of the M-response terminal latency of the M-response rate of impulse conduction in distal and proximal parts of the nerve trunk. Analysis was performed using the software package MS-EXCEL. The testing of the median and ulnar nerves in patients with shoulder pain in a statistically significant decrease in maximum amplitude of the M-response, increased terminal latency of the M-response, reducing the rate of impulse conduction on distal and proximal part of the nerve trunk as compared with the results of a survey ENMG group practice healthy individuals. Analysis ENMG, indicators showed a statistically significant increase in the latency time of the terminal M-response in the study of the median nerve and decrease the amplitude of the M-response, increased terminal latency time and the rate of impulse conduction to the distal nerve trunk for testing the ulnar nerve in rural areas when compared with the data urban residents. ENMG an important method of examination, allowing verification of nosological form in pa-tients with pain in his shoulder and to detect disease at an early stage of development that contri-butes to adequate rehabilitation, prevent disability and preserve patients' disabilit.
Pages: 47-51
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