350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
T.V. Koroteeva
The article is devoted to study circannual rhythm blood hormone and carbohydrate levels in the healthy women of different phase of the menstrual cycle. The 345 healthy women volunteers aged 20 to 30 years (from them 195 Russian and 150 Greece) in mid-follicular and mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (MC) were examined four times during the year: in winter (December-February), spring (March-May), summer (June-August) and autumn (September-November). Inspection was included the women having in three and more generations the parents of one nationality and living on one territory (living in Pyatigorsk and Essentuky) as minimum three generations. Is established, that the leptin, insulin, peptid C and peaks in winter, adiponectin - in summer, cortisole in autumn from Russian, and in spring from Greece. The annual meaning of the leptin, insulin, peptid C and cortisole significant higher (р < 0,05) in Greece, adiponectin - in Russian. Thus the annual meaning of the leptin, insulin, peptid C and adiponectin significant higher (р < 0,05) in the mid-luteal phase, cortisole - in the mid-follicular are revealed. The maximal con-centration blood glucose were observed in the Russian of the mid-follicular phase in the summer season (4,95±0,05 mmol/l) and in the mid-luteal (4,71±0,07 mmol/l), and in Greece - in the autumn (5,12±0,06 and 4,87±0,07), accordingly. Is established, that correlation среднегодового of a level adiponectin with index HOMA in the Russian of the mid-follicular phase (coefficient correlation r = -0,26), level glucose (r = -0,21), insulin (r = 0,32) and in the mid-luteal (r = 0,24; r = 0,19 and r = 0,29), accordingly, and in Greece of the mid-follicular phase with an index HOMA (r = 0,33), level glucose (r = 0,29), insulin (r = 0,36) and in the mid-lutea (r = 0,35; r = 0,28 and r = 0,34), accordingly. Thus, the received data from chronophysiological researches testify to wavy adaptive changes blood hormonal and glucose of an exchange in the women of different phase of the menstrual cycle within one year.
Pages: 37-41
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