350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
N. E. Aymautova, Z. B. Onzimba Lenyungo, I. V. Chekhovskiy
The main goal of the paper is examination of influence of socio-psychological factors on health of a person. In the paper the specificity of impact of stress conditions that adjust cognitive structures of person in terms of social perception of disposition of the person to the disease is analyzed. Stress conditions predetermine psychosomatic problems and aggravate the development and treatment of the disease. The impulsive character of the emotions was examined. More specifically, it was found out that it-s functional impulse of negative emotions that activates the acts of will. These acts are de-termined to provoke and maintain destructive actions of a person, realizing the program of behavior that leads to auto-destruction. Thus, a person finds himself under the pressure not only microclimate, geographical, physical and nature conditions, but environment as well (environment to the most extent). All these factors influence relations of a person with external world. Thus, depression provoked by social stress factors - it-s an evident reduction of life-activity and interest to life, in the first instance, own life of a person. So, it-s necessary to admit, that socio-psychological difficulties, primarily, not recognized pre-determine the disease.
Pages: 34-36
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