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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
singular status analysis
trend selection
selection of periodical components
identification of time series components
N.V. Savina, A.G. Goncharova, L. Kh. Bragin, A.M. Nosovsky, A.E. Severin
Curves obtained during the simultaneous recording of contractions of different parts of the heart and the electrocardiogram allow to establish relationships between the cardiac cycle phases and the accompanying electrical phenomena. The available literature lacks any serious analysis of the situational periodic increase and decrease of ECG R-wave amplitude which, in general terms, reflects the energy potential of the myocardium. The study of 150 men and women-s dynamics of R-wave amplitude was conducted during the expertise rearing to 5000 m altitude. Also, biochemical blood values taken before and after the rearings were compared. The trend and the periodic component were selected with the «Caterpillar»-SSA method. Changes in R-wave changes depend on the reference biochemical blood values; thus, it is possible to suggest the role of biological sub-stratum in forming periodical rhythm of ECG R-wave amplitude change.
Pages: 29-33
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