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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
N.E. Komleva, A.A. Maryanovsky, V.F. Spirin, I.V. Zaikina
Dorsopaty problem is particularly relevant for rural residents, which are prone to occupational exposures. We observed 160 patients (57 % men and 43 % of women) Clinic of Occupational Dis-eases FSIS Saratov NIISG Rospotrebnadzor from 20 to 69 years with a diagnosis dorsopatiya. All patients were residents of rural areas. A detailed analysis of the attention is drawn to the fact of a high occurrence in patients with dorsopatiey digestive diseases (54,5%, p <0,05), which also are very common in populations of people. When you turn into the complex therapy of NSAIDs in 128 out of 160 patients (80,0%) noted the appearance of complaints gastroenterological nature. Analysis of complaints and anamnestic data of patients somatic hospital departments and clinics revealed that the prevalence dorsopaty among rural residents (78,4%) higher than the population figures, the average sampling frequency which is 43,9±1,4% for the population over 17 years old. To establish the intensity of pain and severity of lesions of the digestive system were the following groups. Group I consisted of patients with established disease, related to functional dis-turbances, Group II - patients with digestive diseases, characterized by the presence of structural. The comparison group included study participants with a diagnosis dorsopatiya without exacer-bation, which did not have digestive diseases, gastroenterological complaints nature absent or were minor. In order to analyze the intensity of pain, the influence of pain on self-care and social activity in all patients used the «Osvestrovsky questionnaire for assessing violations of life with back pain». For patients in group I Oswestry index was equal to 32,7±3,2%, II group - 48,1±2,7%, control group - 20,2±4,3%. To build a contingency table and determine the χ2 test with the condition of preservation conditions Cochran, we ranked indicator Oswestry - up to 45% and 45%. The highest level of Oswestry index in patients of Group II diseases OP, characterized by the presence of structural changes (p<0,001). The analysis was found a direct correlation (Spearman, r=0,55, p<0,05) between the value of Oswestry, reflecting the degree of pain and diseases of the digestive system. So, analysis of epidemiological and clinical data suggesting a high prevalence of digestive diseases in patients with a diagnosis dorsopatiya. One of the characteristics of the combined flow of these diseases is their multiplicity, which has a value independent factor for assessing the course and prognosis of the disease. Revealed a direct correlation between the intensity of pain caused by dorsopatiey and severity of functional disturbances and structural changes of the digestive system causes the active detection among this category of patients with diseases of the digestive system to provide timely preventive measures.
Pages: 24-28
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