350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
O. N. Serova, L. V. Shevchenko, V. I. Torshin, A. V. Kotov, S. M. Tolpigo
The article is exploring the role of the carotid body's (CB) chemoreceptory system in central-peripheral mechanisms of regulation of thirst, «salt appetite», correlated gemodynamic indicators. The research has been conducted on rats with bilateral surgical removal of the CB (carotid gol-mectomy). It is established that removal carotid bodies leads to increase in daily consumption of a solution of sodium chloride and water consumption decrease. There is a demonstrated unidirec-tional interaction between the A-II renin-angiotenzine system of CB's chemoreceptors and the cen-tral nervous system structures when they are activated by the effectory peptide in the process of development and satisfaction of thirst and «salt appetite». A systemic injection of A-II post-glomectomy rats results in substantially lower levels of consumption of both water and 1% NaCl solution. While introbrain injection results in higher levels of consumption compared to the control group of rats that have undergone the surgery, but their glomus has not been removed. CB ensures rapid increase of the systolic arterial pressure and the heart beat frequency under the ef-fect of A-II. Activation chemoreceptors of carotid bodies at increase of level А-II is a part of the me-chanisms responsible for increase of arterial pressure.
Pages: 19-23
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