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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
I.E. Ivanova, A.V. Skalnyj, V. A. Rodionov, A.A. Trefilov
The article is devoted to study prevalence of kidney malformations of at children in heterogeneous ekologo-biogeochemical regions of Chuvashiya and feature of the element status at this pathology. To 7513 children of 0-18 years (3532 boys and 3981 girl) are carried out ultrasonic research of kidneys by a method of continuous sample by a standard technique on ultrasonic devices firms Aloka (Japan). At 60 children (29 healthy children, 31 child with of kidney malformations) at the age of 7-12 years (middle age 9.6 ± 0.3 years), born and all life living in territory of Chuvashiya, are investigated the profile in hair of 25 chemical elements by ICP-MS/ICP-OES methods. It is established that in the Chuvash Republic there is a high prevalence of congenital kidney defects (48,7 on 1000), it is more boys, small anomalies of kidney (132,6 on 1000), have more at girls, combination of malformations (9,0 on 1000), renal cyst (2,6 on 1000). Authentically higher indicators of a congenital pathology of kidneys at children living in territory with raised anthropogenous loading and lowered level of zinc in a water-food chain are revealed. At children with defects of kidneys in comparison with the control authentically higher hair content of metals - aluminium (above in 1.2 times), cadmium (in 1.5 times), nickel (in 1.3 times), lead (in 1.2 times), tin (in 1.5 times) and rather low a beryllium (more low in 2 times) and zinc (in 1.2 times) is noted. Surplus of lead is revealed at children with anomalies of development of kidneys in 25.8 % of the cases, the lowered level of zinc - in 61.3 %. Thus, the obtained data testifies to considerable prevalence kidney malformations in the Chuvash Republics and about presence at children with this pathology of the element disbalance demanding corresponding correction.
Pages: 14-18
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