350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
I.V. Radysh, T.V. Koroteeva, N.V. Ermakova, Yu.P. Starshinov, S.S. Krayushkin
The article is devoted to study feature of the daily structure blood pressure in the women of dif-ferent ethnic groups during menstrual cycle. As the result of realization ambulatory 24-hour blood pressure (BP) monitoring (24-h BPM) among the women of different ethnic groups are revealed the biorhythmological feature of BP in communication monthly and seasonal cycles. In the course processing of the received data the authentic dependence (р < 0,05) parameters 24-h BPM from phases menstrual cycle was revealed. So, in all surveyed variability the day and night meanings of the SBP and DBP significant higher in the mid-follicular phase, than in mid-luteal. Thus the variability of the SBP and DBP in Greece group is more expressed in the autumn and in Russian - in winter. Is established, that the seasonal rhythms daily structure of the BP and pulse are characte-rized by internal and external synchronization, and also the authentic dependence (р < 0,05) in-vestigated parameters from phases of menstrual cycle is revealed. So, meaning circadian index of the pulse and the SBP significant is higher in mid-follicular phase and circadian index of the DBP in mid-luteal. Seasonal changes circadian index of the pulse and the SBP in Russian is characte-rized by higher meanings in the spring, and circadian index of the DBP - in summer. The maximal meanings circadian index of the pulse and the SBP in Greece were observed in the summer, and circadian index of the DBP - in spring. Thus annual meaning circadian index of the pulse and the SBP significant is higher in Russian, and circadian index of the DBP - in Greece (р < 0,05). The statistical analysis 24-h BPM during one year has shown, that in Russian group the daily structure of the SBP for the type «dipper» was observed in 88,2% of cases and «non-dipper» - in 11,8%, and daily structure of the DBP for a type «dipper» - in 85,1% and «non-dipper» - in 14,9%. In Greece group the daily structure of the SBP for the type «dipper» is revealed in 83,3% of cases and «non-dipper» - in 16,7%, and daily structure of the DBP for the type «dipper» - in 80,7% and «non-dipper» - in 19,3%. Thus, it is possible to speak, that in all surveyed the parameters ambulatory 24-hour blood pressure (BP) monitoring (24-h BPM) are subject to influence of seasonal rhythms, the majority of maxima have for the spring-summer period of year. Hence, in 86,6% of the healthy women of dif-ferent ethnic groups the normal night decrease BP is observed and difference the day/night makes 12-14 %, that the BP for the type «dipper» testifies to normalization circadian rhythm.
Pages: 9-13
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