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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
antropotehnogenium factors
ethnic particularities
index of the functional change
L.V. Zahryapina, O.V. Hlyakina, A.V. Gulin, N.A. Agadjanyan
For modern society is typical an intensive population-s migration chiefly based under economic motives from different climate -a geographical zones to industrial developed and - an ecological неблагополучные regions So all greater urgency today gain the ethnic aspects ecological and- physiological problems of adaptation, preservations of health, ability to works and reproduction potential of stranger populations.
At this article are presented the results of the benchmark analysis level of adaptation of 766 women of fertility age of the three ethnics groups with different length of service of the residence on the territory of ecological nonsatisfactory region. It was studied factors of the index of the functional change(IFC) and factors of the condition of sympathetic - adrenaline system of the women 20 - 39 years old, Russian, Armenian and Tadzhik ethnic groups with length of service of the residence before and over 3 years on the territory with high complex factors of antropotehno-genium load (CFATL) from 3,19 till 5,35 points). It was revealed the ethnic particularities of the factors of adaptation to condition of surrounding ambiences. This date may be used when planning healthsave actions, directed to stabilization of the demographic situation and development of production power in such regions.
Pages: 56-60
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