350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
O.S. Antonova, N.A. Korneva, A.M. Tsygankov, Y.V. Belov, D.A. Varlamov, Y.V. Kyurdzhiev, A.V. Chernishev
The article is devoted to the analysis of work of two automatic systems of the test preparation, realizing the serial processing of the initial material by various agents, as well as washing, sedi-mentation and hashing of the sorption carrier, etc. The results were compared to the data received during the process of manual extraction of DNA by a method, used in devices. The fact is that during working with both devices the DNA output has exceeded the values received during the manual extraction by means of the same protocol. There is no basic difference at the estimation of DNA output revealed, extracted by means of open and air-tight systems, that allows us to use leaky system on the basis of the magnetic rotation method for daily medical diagnostics, and to use the device on the basis of pneumovacuum system for work with dangerous microorganisms.
Pages: 47-52
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