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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
T.S. Foteeva
The determination of quality of life (QL) is the essential part of investigations connected with the assessment of main disorder and treatment efficacy. With the aim to assess plasmapheresis efficiency in treatment of patients with climacteric syndrome it has been examined 30 women (mean age 52.1±4.71 years); 12 patients were perime-nopausal and 18 women - postmenopausal. Modified questionnaire worked out in Toronto Univer-sity has been used. We observed 55.34% decrease of quality of life in all patients, especially in physical subsection - 51.35%. 3 plasmapheresis treatments (plasma remove - 30-40% of circulating plasma volume, plasma compensation - 1.0:1.2 to the volume of removed plasma) were performed in all patients. Quality of life was assessed in a day and in a month after treatment. Perimenopausal and postmenopausal women demonstrated the improvement of quality of life by 79.4% and 76.2% in a day and 68.9% and 67.3% in a month from the initial data, accordingly, after plasmapheresis therapy. The improvement was revealed in all aged subgroups (41-50, 51-55 and 56-60 years) with the maximal effect (73.3%) in the eldest one. Vegetative and vascular disorders underwent the most significant changes: the improvement was 70.8% in a day and 57.6% in a month after treatment. Psychological/emotional and physical disorders became less pronounced considerably. Urogenital disorders including sexual disturbances changes were insignificant. Thus, plasmapheresis significantly improves the quality of life in all patients with climacteric syndrome especially vegetative and vascular disorders.
Pages: 42-46
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