350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
A. G. Goncharova, L.Kh. Bragin, Yu.I. Voronkov, N.I. Goncharov
The study was conducted to examine abilities of circadian index (CI) for predicting the course of cardiovascu-lar diseases in persons with extreme working conditions. Another task was to find out whether patient-s psy-cho-emotional condition influences CI value. METHODS. The long-term study of 297 male and female pa-tients with extreme working conditions was conducted. The study included: initial Holter monitoring ECG and APB; repeated monitoring procedures after one and two years (Cardiotens "Meditech", Hungary). CI had been compared with the course of existing somatic diseases (including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus). CONCLUSION. CI was established to be reliable prognostic indicator for the haemodynamic condition and the course of some somatic diseases.
Pages: 53-55
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