350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
R.V. Levashov, A.V. Gulin
Nowadays the elaboration of the physiological foundation of the adequate estimation and the cor-rection of the physical development of young people are the urgent problem. The purpose of a study was the study of the special features of physical, tissue development and nourishment of the students. The study was carried out on the base of GOU VPO "Lipetsk state pedagogical university". The state of the physical development and nourishment were studied in 200 clinically healthy students (100 youths and 100 girls) at the age of 19,5 ± 0,16 years. As a result of the study it was shown that the objective indices of the physical development appear the integral index of the mass of the body and index of Ketle. The values of the physiometrical indices correlate with the basic somatometrical parameters and can be used as the additional indices. The values of the emaciated, muscular and fatty masses of body reliably positively correlate with the mass of body and can be used as the additional criterion of the girls - and youth - physical development. Anthropometrical estimation of the nourishment, based on the revelation of the somatical form of the protein and the protein- energy insufficiency by calculating the indices of the body-s mass index and the circle of the shoulder muscle ([OMP]), which is the required stage of the estimation of physical development, because it reveals its disturbances in the normal values of the traditional indices: increase, the mass of the body, the circle of the chest. Reliable positive correlation [OMP] with the values of the emaciated and muscular masses of the body, which makes it possible to use them for the diagnostics of the somatical form of protein insufficiency as the additional criteria. The anthropometric signs of the disturbance of the youths nourishment were not discovered.
Pages: 44-48
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