350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Y.S. Zhuravleva
Specifics of educational process organization in Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) are connected with teaching of international students from different regions of the world (Asia, Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Western Asia). 54 female first year students of main medical group took place in research. Results of the re-search revealed significant differences (p<0,05) in indicators of the University russian and inter-national female students abdominal muscles press - power endurance. The research helped to re-veal the use of force measurement and static endurance expiratory musculature methods. Necessity of use of techniques of measurement of force and static endurance expiratory mus-cles as the given indicators possess the necessary information on a level of development of muscles of an abdominal tension is revealed and can be used for construction and planning of study-training process for the purpose of optimization of physical training of student's youth. It is estab-lished that from a considerable quantity of physical exercises it is necessary to allocate what in a greater degree influence development of muscles of an abdominal tension, in particular, connected with simultaneous feet lifting and a trunk for optimum performance of an internal. Authentic distinctions (p <0,05) in indicators of power endurance of muscles of an abdominal tension of Russian and foreign students of the PFUR are revealed. It was stated, that there is a necessity of self-training lessons with these physical exercises for quality strength increase and health - maintaining and improvement to preserve fertile female functions.
Pages: 55-58
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