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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
S.J. Sashko, V.D. Isakov, T.V. Lebedeva, M.V. Lekishvili
Diagnostic opportunities of an establishment of a direction of movement of a wheel of the vehicle at перекатывании through a body of the victim during it is judicial-medical examination of a corpse are limited. In the accessible literature there are only indications on an opportunity of formation on clothes at crossing a wheel of the car of damages on the party накатывания in the form of breaks and раз-ряжений fabrics. But these attributes meet not always and also slightly expands diagnostic op-portunities of an establishment of a direction of movement of the car. The purpose of work was the quantitative estimation introduced in the beginning of a trace of a protector (area накатывания) and the end of a trace (area скатывания wheels) chemical elements of structure of rubber of autotrunks as a diagnostic attribute of an establishment of a direction of movement of a wheel of the vehicle. Traces of protectors received by перекатывания a wheel automobile and a lorry through models of the bottom finiteness of the person with an attachment to them of various fabrics of clothes. The model was on firm surfaces (asphalt). Speed of movement of the car was average. Перекатывание made automobile and cargo cars with trunks of domestic and import manufacture. Results of the lead researches testify to authentic excess of factor КI above КII for elements of iron, aluminium, calcium, silicon, manganese and magnesium in traces of protectors cargo and on syn-thetic fabrics, traces of protectors of cars on white cotton fabrics in which КI it is more than cars КII as well for zinc. Besides excess of factor КI above КII for elements of zinc and iron is marked in traces of protectors of cargo wheels on a white cotton fabric and in traces of protectors of cargo and automobile wheels on a black cotton fabric for elements of iron, aluminium and silicon. The quantitative comparative estimation of the calculated factors in most cases allows to determine area накатывания and скатывания wheels of the vehicle in traces of protectors even visually not различимых on black fabrics and consequently to establish a direction of movement of the car. The received results can be used for differential diagnostics of the mechanism of an automobile trauma as not only confirm the fact перекатывания with a wheel through a body of the victim, but also allow to establish a direction of movement of the car.
Pages: 34-38
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