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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
S.O. Bachurin, E.F. Shevtsova
The review of the basic approach to the searching for the drugs for treatment of Alzheimer disease and related neurodegenerative diseases is presented. An actual problem is search of multitarget drugs capable both to compensate cognitive deficit and to influence causal factors of neurodege-neration, preventing its development. The strategy of a targets validation for the drugs of new generation - multitarget drugs - is proved on the basis of results of studying of mechanisms of action of Dimebon which now suc-cessfully passing clinical testing. The 6 and 12 months results of Dimebon clinical trials allow to refer it to "illness-modifying" drugs. One of the main mechanisms of cognition enhancing action of Dimebon is ability to influ-ence two subtypes of glutamate receptors. Dimebon exhibited anti-NMDA activity and showed properties of a positive modulator of AMPA-receptors in small concentration. Dimebon proved considerable neuroprotective effect in some cellular models of neurodegeneration. Results available now allow to consider, that mitochondria are the main target of Dimebon as neuroprotective and even as neuroreparative drug that in a combination with it-s cognition enhancing properties caused by a unique profile of interaction with glutamate receptors (NMDA and AMPA) and low tox-icity result in extremely high therapeutic efficiency in Alzheimer's disease clinical trials. Studying of mechanisms of action of Dimebon confirm availability of the targets package and accordingly in vitro screening tests for drugs for treatment БА and related neurodegenerative diseases search developed in our institute.
Pages: 12-18
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