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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
R.M. Baevsky, E.Y. Bersenev, E.S. Luchitsky, I.N. Slepchenkova, G.D. Reushkina, A.G. Chernikova
Experiment Mars-105 is a preliminary stage of the 520-daily allowance of modelling of space crew work at flight to Mars. In this experiment the special attention has been turned on an estimation of specific features of adaptable reactions of members of «Martian» crew. It was important to find out in what measure a condition регуляторного the mechanism and degree of pressure of its separate links is defined by a functional condition and adaptable reactions of an organism at long stay in isolation conditions. For carrying out of experimental researches of members of «Martian» crew in гермокамере have been developed and made a special hardware-software complex - «Ecosun-2007». It realizes the new approach to recognition and an estimation of functional states of an organism on a basis of prenosological approach. Into structure «Ecosun-2007» enter also 6-channel electrocardiograph «Cardi-2» allowing, except the standard ECG researches to spend dispersive mapping of ECG (DP ECG) and the system of psychophysiological testing. The complex software provides realization of numerous methods of the analysis of data, leading value among which occupies the heart rate va-riability (HRV) analysis. This method, as is known, has received wide enough application for stud-ying of vegetative regulation of physiological functions and allows degree of regulatory systems tension and their functional reserves. The researches spent at 6 verifiers-volunteers (men at the age of 25-50 years), which were in herm chamber within 105 days. Results of the 105-daily allowance of experiment in herm chamber have shown presence of the expressed individual distinctions in reactions of verifiers to conditions of long stay in isolation. These distinctions, apparently, are defined by level of functional reserves of regulatory mechanism. Decrease in functional reserves by the experiment end was shown by growth stress index (verifiers Р, A, B and O), activation of the higher vegetative centres (verifier) and development energo-metabolic changes in a myocardium (verifier B). Each verifier differed the specific features of adaptable reaction which has been directed on mobilization of functional reserves. Such mobiliza-tion is provided with activation of various links the regulatory mechanism. In one cases is a sym-pathetic vascular centre, in others - energo-metabolic level of regulation. The received materials are important for development of estimated criteria for individual forecasting of a functional states of verifiers at long stay in isolation conditions.
Pages: 61-66
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