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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
L.A. Piruzjan, K.S. Gjulazizova, I.S. Nikolaeva, A.S. Kabankin, A.R. Kuznetsova, A.D. Radkevich, A.D. Pynko, G.P. Suhinina, L.A. Radkevich
By us it is established that average indexes suicide mortality rate coefficient (SMRC) in populations with prevalence of phenotype NAT2 slow acetylator it is essential above SMRC from a suicide in populations with prevalence of phenotype NAT2 fast acetylator especially at men (Drawing 1). Further we had been investigated interrelation between geographical width and frequency of oc-currence (FO) phenotype NAT2 fast acetylator in 76 ethnic populations. On Table 1 it is visible that the correlation factor (r) between geographical width and FO phenotype NAT2 fast acetylator negative and is equal - 0,714 (р <0,01) (Table 1). It testifies that, ethnoses with high FO phenotype NAT2 fast acetylator are located more close to equator, and at the ethnoses located further from equator, prevail NAT2 slow acetylator. Between FO phenotype NAT2 fast acetylator and a geo-graphical longitude we establish positive connection (r = 0,765; р < 0,01) (Table 1). So in the eth-noses located between Greenwich meridian on the northeast to 40th degree of east longitude, pre-vail NAT2 slow acetylator. After 40 degrees of east longitude in ethnoses FO NAT2 fast acetylator starts to prevail. At interrelation research between SMRC from a suicide and geographical width at 90 ethnic populations (Table 1) it is visible that the correlation factor (r) is equal 0,682 at men and 0,573 at women (р <0,001). At interrelation research between (SMRC) from a suicide and a geographical longitude at 90 ethnic populations (Table 1) it is visible that the correlation factor (r) is equal-0,550 at men and-0,532 at women (р <0,001). On the basis of the given researches it is possible to conclude that the ethnoses located to the north of 29th degree of northern width in East hemisphere (Europe) and to the north of 26th degree in the Western hemisphere, belong to big европеоидной to race. ЧВ phenotype БА at these ethnic populations makes 20-46 %, i.e. at them prevail NAT2 slow acetylator. SMRC from a suicide at men averages 25,09 on 100000 standardised population. The ethnoses located to the south of 54th degree of northern width in Asia and belonging to big монголоидной and австралоидной to the race, and also to transitive and in-termediate types between монголоидной and австралоидной races, have as a part of populations of 70-90 % NAT2 fast acetylator. In these ethnoses SMRC from a suicide at men averages 14,7 on 100000 standardised population. An exception represent Australia with FO NAT2 fast acetylator of 43 % who has КС 21,4 on 100000 standardised population, and New Zealand with FO NAT2 fast acetylator of 38 % and SMRC equal 22,8 on 100000 standardised population. However it is known that as a part of ethnoses of these countries the considerable share is made by descendants of the European immigrants belonging mainly to phenotype NAT2 slow acetylator. In the western hemisphere the ethnoses located to the south of 26th degree of northern width, concern to big mongolian to race (Indians), and also transitive and intermediate types white, mongolian and black races. At them prevail NAT2 fast acetylator with low SMRC from a suicide (Vest India and Latin America). For example, in Costa Rica with FO NAT2 fast acetylator of 62 % SMRC from a suicide at men makes 6,8 on 100000 standardised population, in Mexico with FO NAT2 fast acetylator of 70 % SMRC from a suicide at men it is equal 5,94 persons on 100000 standardised population, i.e. SMRC from a suicide in these countries in 2-3 times more low, than in populations with advantage NAT2 slow acetylator. In the North America at the ethnoses located more close to Greenwich meridian, above frequency of occurrence of a phenotype slow N-atsetilirovanija (white Americans, Canadians). In central and the South America, at removal from Greenwich meridian (from 54th degree of the western longitude) in populations prevail NAT2 fast acetylator (Latin Americans, Indians). As acknowledgement of results of research we have analysed SMRC from a suicide at men and women in age groups from 0 to 75 + in 6 countries. By comparison SMRC from a suicide in Russia and in South Korea (Drawing 2а and 2b) it is visible that in Russia death rate from a suicide at men considerably above, than in South Korea. By comparison SMRC from a suicide at men in Finland and Singapore (Drawing 3а and 3b) it is visible that death rate from a suicide at men in Finland it is considerable above, than in Singapore. By comparison SMRC from a suicide at men in Canada and Venezuela (Drawing 4а and 4b), high sizes SMRC from a suicide in Canada in comparison with Venezuela also are found out. Women SMRC from a suicide have less, than at men (factor 1:4) that testifies to gender distinctions. But the tendency remains to the same. Death rate from a suicide at women in Russia, Finland, Canada above, than in South Korea, Singapore, Venezuela. It is known, what FO phenotype NAT2 fast acetylator in Russia - 45 %, in Finland - 36 %, in Canada - 42 %, whereas in South Korea ЧВ of phenotype БА of 90 %, Singapore - 81 %, Venezuela - 70 %. Geographical position of Russia - 62,5о northern width, Finland - 64,5о northern width, Canada - 63о northern width (the central points). The Geographical position of South Korea 39о northern width, Singapore 12,5о northern width, Venezuela 7о northern width (the central points) (table 1).Таким in the image, these examples once again confirm that in the countries located in northern widths, to the north 47о northern width, ethnoses with phenotype NAT2 slow acetylator and high death rate from a suicide, especially at men prevail. In the countries located, to the south 39о northern width, ethnoses with phenotype NAT2 fast acetylator and low death rate from a suicide prevail. It is necessary to notice that death rate from a suicide does not depend on a standard of living in above listed countries.
Pages: 33-45
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