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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
B.S. Shenkman, G.A. Maslova, Ju.V. Stogova, O.E. Zinovyeva, N.H. Yakhno
According to recent data, chronic alcoholic myopathy affects 4060 % of alcoholics. The type II muscle fibers (fast-twitch, anaerobic) are preferentially affected in this disease, whereas the type I fibers (slow-twitch, aerobic) are relatively spared. This pathology is also accompanied by reductions in the relative amounts of specific contractile proteins within the muscle itself, such as myosin, desmin, actin, and troponin. The most studies of molecular changes in chronic alcoholic myopathy were made on laboratory animal models. We have investigated neurophysiological and morphological changes in alcoholic myopathy in men. 25 chronic alcoholics were examined. Average age of 44,7±2 years, alcohol abuse duration was 15,9±2,1 years, with daily alcohol consumption 178±19 ml. Methods included: neurological examination, laboratory tests (serum CK, AST, ALT, γ-GT), nn. tibialis, peroneus, suralis, femoralis electroneuromyography, mm.vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior needle electromyography (EMG) and m. vastus lateralis biopsy. The undirect immunohistochemistry method was used to determine Type I and Type II fibers. Сross-sectional area of both type fibers was measured with Leica DC 300F and Leica Qwin Standart (Leica Microsystems, Germany) Based on morphological changes, we have divided all alcoholic patients into 3 groups: 1-patients without any structural changes in the muscle (n = 5), 2a-patients with selective Type II fiber atrophy (n = 10), 2b- alcoholics with Type I and II fiber atrophy (n = 10). Clinical signs of myopathy (weakness in proximal parts of limbs, loss of the skeletal muscle mass was obtained in 11 patients (44 %), 5 of them had morphological evidently Type II atrophy, 6 patients had both Type atrophy. There were no significant difference in age, daily alcohol intake, between these three groups. Significant difference in alcohol abuse duration was found - the longer is alcohol misuse the more severe is muscular fiber atrophy. Our results show, that chronic alcoholic myopathy may combine with chronic alcoholic poly-neuropathy, but they are two independent conditions. Chronic alcoholic myopathy has progressive clinical course, the longer is alcohol abuse, the more severe is muscular fiber atrophy. In the early stage patients have only type II muscle atrophy, in advanced stages of disease patients have both fiber type atrophy. According to our data, there are no specific needle electromyography findings in chronic alcoholic patients, these patients have mixed myopathic and neuropathic needle EMG changes.
Pages: 3-10
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