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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
V.B. Strelets, Z.V. Garakh
At present in scientific literature the problems of cognitive disturbances in schizophrenic patients is in the center of attention. In clinical studies using new antipsychotic it was revealed that they are partly agonists of dopamine and they improve cognitive functioning in schizophrenic patients. Previous data were obtained only by comparison of clinical and psychological data. Electrophysio-logical studies on this differences are almost absent. thus our purpose was the study of physiolog-ical mechanisms of schizophrenia and their changes under the influence of the treatment of the patients with negative symptoms by the new medicines (risperidon).
In our work we used the methods of EEG registration, psychological testing, methods of sta-tistical analysis. In the study participate the patients with the predominance of negative symptoms, representative in sex and age. Such measures as spectral power, interhemispheric asymmetry and coherent connections were used.
The analysis of the influence of antipsychotics of the second generation showed that as a re-sult a the therapy EEG measures in patients with negative symptoms (spectral power, asymmetry coefficeint, coherent connections) become closer to the measures found in the norm. The mostly expressed changes are revealed in the highest frequency range - in gamma-rhythm. The increase of the number of connections in gamma-rhythm after treatment including those between anterior cortical areas in schizophrenic patients after treatment points to the improvement of interhemis-pheric informational transmission.
The obtained results correlate with the improvement of neuropsychological testing thus prov-ing that negative symptoms also can be reduced by new antipsychotic treatment.
In discussion we can suppose that there is correlation between gamma and beta rhythms dis-turbances in schizophrenics with negative symptoms and that of neurotransmitter system, dopa-mine, glutamate and GABA.
1. Schizoiphrenic patients under the treatment by atypical antipsychotic drugs (risperidone) reveal the improvement of spectral power of EEG rhythms and asymmerty: this measures becoming closer to that in the norm.
2. The increase of the number of coherent connections in gamma-rhythm, including those be-tween anterior cortical areas point to the improvement of hemispheric informational transfer.
Therapy by atypical antipsychotic drugs belonging to second generation reduces negative symptoms reflecting in the results of neuropsychological testing and EEG measures.
Pages: 37-45
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