350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
I. I. Cheremushnikova, E.S. Petrosienko, S. V. Notova
Interhemispheric asymmetry of the young man in a view of a level of personal aggression is considered. De-pendence of character of a level of personal aggression of students from interaction of hemispheres of a brain and dynamic properties of functional interhemispheric asymmetry (FIA) is shown. Most often dominance of the left hemisphere meets beside youth of the 18-20 years old. Its share in structure of the interhemispheric differences has formed from 60 to 78 %. There is a low level of alarm (1,9 conditional unit) beside youth with dominance of the right hemisphere (by test Lyushera) and the level of alarm is statistical higher (р < 0,05) with dominance of the left hemisphere and it is corresponds to the average level of alarm (3,07 conditional unit). In group of youth with dominance of the left hemisphere is revealed increasing by the following scale: «physical aggression» (р < 0,05), «verbal aggression» (р < 0,05), «irritation» (р < 0,05), «indirect aggression». The velocity of the reaction is more high and stable beside youth with dominance of the right hemisphere, than in group of youth with dominance of the left hemisphere. However, the arising of the mistake beside them is more probability.
Pages: 70-72
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