350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
S.V. Notova, N.V. Malysheva, M.S. Levakhina, G.V. Dubrovina
According to many researches, frequency of smoking among women in Russia for last decade has sharply increased. The special attention should be given a state of health of girls of youthful age as they are potential parents, and in many respects the condition of their health will determine health of the future generations. Prevalence of smoking according to anonymous questioning among all students of the Orenburg state university in the age of 16 - 20 years has made 30,9 % for 2008 and tends to increase for last years, and among girls prevalence of smoking varies from 19,7 up to 26,7 %. The purpose of our research was comparison of the element status among smoking and non-smoking girls of 16 - 20 years. We surveyed girls in the age of 16-20 years, students the Orenburg state university (n=90) at which have estimated the basic parameters of work of reproductive system, presence of smoking, the elemental status. As a result of research we have established, that at 6,9 % of girls the slowed down becoming regular mensis, at 9 % ? infringement of sequence in occurrence of secondary sexual attributes, in 9,8 % primary algomenorea, at 0,8 % ? secondary algomenorea was observed. As a result of the analysis of a chemical compound of hair excess of the contents of calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, silicon and deficiency of phosphorus, chrome and selenium has been revealed. Smoking girls had an excess of nickel in hair and the tendency to higher contents of aluminium, cadmium, mercury and lead. Also among smoking girls the contents of iodine and zinc was below. Thus, we observe expressed disbalans in the contents essential trace elements: iodine, selenium and zinc - elements which participate in regulation of reproductive function, and also the heavy metals, being their antagonists, and, accordingly, promoting their replacement from an organism of girls. Thus disbalans it is more than element status in group of smoking girls, that in the future can lead to heavy gynecologic diseases.
Pages: 63-65
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