350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
I.N. Medvedev, S.U. Zavalishina, E.G. Krasnova
Presently, in the farms with various forms of property anemia in pigs of a dairy feed is regarded as one of the most frequent states which causes, as a rule, the delay in the development and growth of the animals, weakening their resistency, which in its turn conditions the addition of various infections and death of an animal. It has been ascertained, that different deviations in the homeostasis lead to the disorders in the primary hemostasis with the development of the tendency to thromb formation which may result in microthromboses in the microcirculation system and in the worsening of tissue trophics of the animals.The development of anemia in pigs must undoubtedly weaken their growing organism, influencing the state of thrombocytes and their vascular wall due to the decay of metabolic processes in it. This may result in the failure of their interaction due to the weakening of the production of vessel wall antithrombotic factors. Under existing conditions the problem of anemia in pigs of a dairy feed has acquired high actuality due to its aggravation and complicated course. At the same time the disfunctions of the hemostasis in anemia pathogenesis are not sufficiently investigated, and the reaseach of methods of their effective correction has not been conducted. The aim of this research is to estimate the possibilities of the correction of infringements hemostasis in pigs of a dairy feed with anemia with the help of ferroglukin and in its combination with gamavit. It has been ascertained in the work that the most frequently used iron preparation (ferroglukin) produc-es low effect on the hemostasis in pigs of a dairy feed with anemia when used in isolation. At the same time the combination of ferroglukin with a modern stimulator of metabolic processes (gamavit) provied normalization of all the estimated indices. The decrease in the manifestation of the lipid peroxidic oxidation (LPO) in the fluid part of blood under ferroglukin and gamavit in pigs of a dairy feed with anemia optimizes metabolic processes in thrombocytes, vascular epithelium and liver, providing the decrease of proagregantic and the facilitation of the antiaggregational influence in the hemostasis. The delay in the thrombocyte aggregation and the decrease of the intravascular activity of thrombocytes without the venous occlusion, and especially on the background of it, in pigs of a dairy feed with iron deficiency on using ferroglukin and gamavit, demonstrate their positive effect on the LPO intensity and on receptive and postreceptive mechanisms in the hemostasis. The prolongation of the thrombocyte aggregation development under the influence of ristomycin in pigs under ferroglukin and gamavit is conditioned by the decrease of the Villebrand factor synthesis in a vessel wall. The increase of the thrombocyte resistency to hydrogen peroxide as a result of ferroglukin and gamavit therapy, registered in the prolongation of thrombocyte aggregation with Н2О2,, indicates the increase in the activity of the antioxidation system in thrombocytes and, in particular, that of catalase and superoxiddismutase. This conditions the increase in the thrombocyte sensitivity to the disaggregational influence of vesssel walls on the receptory level. We may suppose, that the combination of ferroglukin and gamavit is able to optimize the antiaggrega-tional function of the vessel wall in pigs of a dairy feed with anemia due to the weakening of plasm LPO and the optimization of protein systems' activity in vessel walls, normalizing microcirculation. Taking into account the obvious positive influence of ferroglukin and gamavit combination on pigs of a dairy feed wiht anemia, their correction must be conducted more widely to ensure effective primary preven-tion of vascular complications in animals. Unmanifested influence of the isolated application od ferroglukin on the hemostasis may be explained by some persisting hypoxic disorder of the vessel wall and liver and by weak metabolic stimulation of its function, proving that in pigs of a dairy feed with anemia the application of an iron prepararion only is not sufficient for the correction of microrrheologic disorders and prevention of thrombotic complications.
Pages: 41-49
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