350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
N.A. Agadzhanyan, T.V. Bashkireva, A.E. Severin, U.N. Semenov, A.V. Bashkireva, A.S. Valentonis
In work to reveal feature of adaptation to a difference in time zones at military men of sportsmen of parachutists attempt is made of the western and east hemispheres in the conditions of the World championship. Indicators of variability of a warm rhythm at men of sportsmen of parachutists in the World championship in Russia, but constantly living in western and east hemisphere, within a week between jumps from different height of the plane from 1000 to 3000 meters were investigated. In total 233 investigations at 114 persons from 22 countries of east and from 3 countries western hemispheres are spent. Researches have shown that at military men of sportsmen of parachutists both western, and east hemispheres intensive pressure during the competitive period in the World championship in Russia, tested вазомоторный the centre. At military men of sportsmen of parachutists of the western hemisphere, decrease in respiratory waves is observed, at increase in activity of a sympathetic link of regulation of a warm rhythm.
Pages: 30-33
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