350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
D.V. Burenchev
A method of magnetic resonance tomography is used to diagnose different diseases because of technical and soft ware improvement. The advanced soft ware can reveal new abilities of tissue contrast reflection. A new pulse sequence, double inversion recovery (DIR), is one of these devel-opments. It had been suggested that there was a principled ability to invent a new pulse sequence based on the T2 images in Gradient Echo (Т2* wi). The aim of our research is to develop pulse consequence DIR and T2 FLAGE in low magnetic tomograph and to assess its efficacy of intracerebral hematoma (ICH) detection. Our study has been conducted at "Ellipse" MR tomograph. The DIR has been created by modification of the regular FLAIR. Technical parameters of the new pulse sequence are the first TI= 90 ms, the second TI = 1300 ms, TR= 4665 ms, echo 3. 57 patients have been enrolled in our study. The comparison of tissue contrast coefficient on FLAIR, DIR and T2 FLAGE images has been made. The Manna - Whitney test has been used for statistical treatment. It has been shown that contrast coefficient of normal brain structures and brain lesions on DIR images compared to the white matter is significant higher than on FLAIR and T2 FLAGE images. But has shown that Т2 FLAGE images are more effective in diagnosis of acute intracerebral hematoma compared with FLAIR.
Pages: 75-80
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