350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
endogenous organism rhythms
electroencephalogram (EEG)
stimulation parameters
automatic modulation
functional state control and correction
A.I. Fedotchev
The problem of human functional state control is highly actual and requres the development of ef-fective approaches to non-drug correction of its undesirable shifts. To date the most advanced among such approaches seems to be biofeedback training (BFBT). However, the requirement for a subject to consciously percieve the feedback signals significantly limits the applicability and effec-tiveness of this approach. In the present study the hypothesis about possible enhanced efficiency of BFBT procedures in the case of non-conscious perception by patient the feedback signals from own rhythmical processes such as breathing rate, heart rate or electroencephalograph (EEG) rhythms is proposed and theoretically grounded. To experimentally test the hypothesis, 2 groups of volunteers participated in two studies. In the first one the intensity of pain-reducing electro-stimulation was automatically modulated by subject-s breathing rate. In the second one the stress-reducing audio-visual stimulation in which the parameters of light flashes are automatically modulated by alpha EEG rhythm of the subject was used. It was shown that automatic modulation of electrostimulation by subject-s breathing rate leads to more pronounced and long living pain reduction effects comparing to usual electrostimulation treatments. It was also shown that inclusion of additional feedback contour in which the parameters of photic stimulation are auto-matically modulated by subject-s alpha EEG rhythm leads to enhancement of self-regulation skill aquisition and to more successful correction of stress-induced disturbances. Some perspectives of further this approach developments are delineated.
Pages: 69-74
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