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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
V.P. Harchenko, V.D. Chhikvadze, V.M. Sotnikov, N.Y. Dobrovolskaya, S.A. Shevcenko, E.V. Nikolaeva
Carcinoid presents 1-2% of all tumors of the lung and tracheobronchyal tree.
It belonges to APUD - system tumors and distinguishes on typical and atypical picture. Atypical carcinoid belonges to malignant tumors, however typical forms may show the signs of malignancies - infiltrative growth, ability to metastasize. Distinguish several forms: mucinoproduced, oncocitary, melanocitarny. Five-year survivel rate is 80-95% after surgical treatment. Chemotherapy uses basically as symptomatic treatment.
We present the observation AKTG-produced peripheral carcinoid of lower lung lobe. Patient of 34 years old has entered in surgical clinic RSCRR 09.12.1988 with complaint on the total weakness, gain in weight, blood pressure increasing. At X-Ray study organ of chest in 7 and 8 segments of the lower lobe lung was defined spherical shade with clear wavy sidebar, 7×8×6 sm by size, verging to hilus lung; in 6 segnent - rounding shade 1.0x1.5 sm. Blood test on hormones has revealed increasing AKTG before 191,7 pg/ml (the normal rate - 10-60 pg/ml).
Right lower lobectomy was made 11.02.1998 to patient with diagnosis: peripheral AKTG- produced car-cinoid lower lobe right lung with metastasis lung tissue in S6 on the right, Kushing syndrome. At histological stuty - oncocitary carcinoid with multiple by growing (two nodes in S7-8 and in S6 lower share right light), with area infiltration pulmonary tissue.
Patient revealed metastasis in supraclavicular lymphatic nodes zone at checking examination in 8 months later.Cytological study of lymphatic nodes - a picture of carcinoid. In connection with progression of carcinoid lower lobe right lung (the metastasis defeat cervical - supraclavicular lymphatic nodes, mediastinal lymphatic nodes and winch liver since 11.01.1999 on 27.04.1999 conducted chemotherapy ( doxorubicin 50mg, fluorouracil 750mg, vepesid 100mg, endoxan 400 mg).Followed EBRT SOD - 50Gy. Positive effect is received. Checking examination - without specific of pathology. Intraperitoneal lymphatic nodes are not increased. Checking examinations were conducted through 1 moth, them annually. Data for progression tumors is not revealed. The remission was evaluated from 1999. Presented observation shows the possibility of the successful treatment carcinoid of the lung in spite of progression tumors with combined modalities treatment.
Pages: 65-68
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