350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
S.V. Sdobnikova, N.Y. Dorokhina, O.D. Gupalo, V.V. Sosnovskiy
Pupillary dysfunction in diabetic patients is one of the symptoms of diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Among numerous forms of diabetic neuropathy transitory form may be signed out. This form of diabetic neuropathy is developed due to conductivity disturbances in neuronal fibers during hyperglycemia. If glycemia level becomes controled neuronal conductivity may normalize. Hyperglycemia is the main damaging factor which initiates biochemical, hemodynamic and structural changes in vessels and organs of diabetic individuals. Pupillary dysfunction is usually analyzed by papillary tests such as diameter of the pupil on the light, in the dark and under the operation of pharmacologic drugs. The present study was conducted with the aim to analyze pupillary reactions in 111 patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2. To measure the diameter of the pupil avtorefkeratometer was used. All patients were divided into two groups: individuals with non-proliferative diabetic re-tinopathy and with no retinopathy. Each patient was examined in normoglycemia and hypergly-cemia condition. We used such pupillary tests as dilatation of the pupil in scotopic conditions and tests with instillation of Phenylephrine («Irifrin») 2,5% and Tropicamid («Mydriacyl») 1,0 %. As a result of our study decrease of pupil dilatation amplitude during hyperglycemia was revealed. In diabetic indi-viduals with no retinopathy an amplitude of pupil dilatation in all pupillary tests in different blood glucose levels has not been changed significantly. According to obtained results we can assume that diabetic patients with significant reduction of mydriatic drugs efficacy or less dilatation of the pupil in scotopic conditions during hypergly-cemia belongs to the risk group for diabetic retinopathy development.
Pages: 47-52
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