350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
A.M. Nosovskij, I.M. Larina, A.I. Grigorev
The present work is devoted working out of effective methods of the analysis of physiological experimental data, and also approaches to calculation of stochastic characteristics in nonlinear диссипативных dynamic systems. Thus the basic attention is given adaptation of algorithms to real experimental data for increase of speed of performance of calculations, increase in the maximum volume of the processed data, increase of a noise stability of algorithms. In work the basic types of calculated characteristics are considered: fractal model dimension, correlation dimension and entropy. It is known that each of them allows to establish the general character of changes (movement) in system, somehow: whether periodic this movement, quasiperiod-ic, dynamic chaos or simply noise. A number is put in a working out basis become already classical me-thods. However it is necessary to recognise that the majority of existing algorithms is yielded by reliable re-sults only in a case when the mathematical model of dynamic system (is known in particular at the analysis of the modelling data). Therefore optimisation of algorithms (including known) for reception of steady results at the analysis of experimental data was a problem of the given work. The analysis of experimental data on the basis of application of a principle of invariant relations opens mechanisms which could not be observed at the analysis methods Gaussian statisticans. Apparently, these approaches could document for the first time the assumption of physiologists that the condition of the given system in early postflight the period reveals level and character of the adaptation to flight factors. It is significant that most brightly it is visible at the analysis of system of functional communications of an executive office of the given functional system. Apparently, plasticity of nephritic functions provides adaptation possibility vodno-elektrolitnogo a homeostasis to flight conditions, through expansion of space of communications in system.
Pages: 33-39
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