350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
A.N. Pavlov, A.N. Tupitsyn, A. Moreno, V.A. Makarov
In this paper we study mechanisms of tactile information processing in the trigeminal nuclei of the rat using wavelet analysis of neuronal responses to periodic whisker stimulation by short air puffs. It is shown that dynamical stability (degree of reliability) of the neural responses depends both on the duration and on the frequency of the stimulating air pulses. Response dynamics in the principalis (Pr5) and interpolaris (Sp5i) nuclei is relatively similar and contrasts to that of the oralis (Sp5o) neurons. Neurons from Pr5 and Sp5i show the maximal stability at intermediate (50 ms) stimulus duration, whereas Sp5o neurons exhibit stable responses at shorter (10 ms) stimulation. We also show that neurons of all three nuclei can perform as stimulus filters with three main type of transduction characteristic: i) low pass, i.e. the response stability decreases with an increase of the stimulus frequency; ii) band pass; i.e. stability reaches the maximum for an optimal stimulus frequency (5 Hz for Pr5, Spi5 and 4 Hz for Sp5o); and iii) the lack of prominent dependence of the response stability from the stimulus frequency.
Pages: 15-25
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