350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
I.V. Rodionov
For treatment of crises bones finitenesses, corrections of deformations bone segments, restoration of the lost or damaged roots a teeth are widely used medical implants. Such implants are most often carried out from the titan (ВТ1-0, ВТ1-00) and its alloys (ВТ6, ВТ16) which possess the raised bioinertness to organism environments. For strong fastening titanic implants in a bone on their surface form the special porous covering providing germination of bone cellular structures in microroughness a surface with the subsequent biointegration implant. The specified covering can be created at anode оxydizion the аbrasive-processed titan in sulfuric-sour electrolits by concentration 200 g/l Н2SO4 and 200 g/l Н2SO4 with addition of the activating additive 50 g/l CuSO4 - 5 Н2О. During experimental researches influence of modes sulfuric-acid anodizings titanic implants on phase structure, a thickness, parametres of a roughness a surface, morphology, size of corrosion potential, micro-hardness and adhesion received охydes coverings has been defined. It is thus established, that in sulfuric-sour electrolit with sulphate addition CuSO4 аt values a mode i=50 mА/sm2, t=50°С и τ=0,9 h mechanically strong coverings from bioinert oxedes, having necessary for effective functioning implants are formed a thickness (30-50 mcm), raised level of a relative roughness a surface (0,45) and high open porosity (31%). It is found out, that activating additive CuSO4 in sulfuric-sour electrolit slightly influences change cor-rosion potential of the anodized surface of the titan in isotonic sodium chloride a solution answering to a chemical compound of plasma blood and simulating conditions of functioning implants in bioenvironments an organism. So, the average size of potential оxydized a surface received in various sulfuric-sour electrolits, is equal 0,17 and 0,15 V (оn the silver electrode of comparison sated chlorine), according to processing in electrolit without the additive and with the additive of sulphate CuSO4. Results of research biocompatibility anodic-oxydes coverings implants in vivo have shown absence al-lergenic reactions of fabrics, effective adaptation implants in bone structures, high biointegration ability of the is superficial-porous anodized surface. Thus, it is proved, that by anode оxydizion titanic implants with use sulfuric-sour electrolits coverings with the qualities of biocompatibility characterised by certain phase structure a covering, its is superficial-structural condition, and also high corrosion stability and mechanical durability are created.
Pages: 3-14
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