350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
I.N. Medvedev, S.U. Zavalishina, E.G. Krasnova, T.A.Belova
The emergence of functional indigestion in newly born calves is often accompanied with endogenic intoxication, caused by disorder in the albumen proteolysis and activation of lipid peroxidic oxida-tion, which stimulates the exit of medium molecules into the blood stream. This influences the thrombocytic hemostasis facilitating the development of intravascular clot formation. Alongside with this, the peculiarities of thrombocytic dysfunctions in newly born calves with functional indi-gestion and approaches to their correction are not enough studied. The aim of the research is to investigate the possibility of correction of thrombocytic hemos-tasis in newly born calves with functional indigestion with the help of the "Ecos" sorbent. Active peroxidic oxidation of lipids in the plasm and thrombocytes of the calves with func-tional indigestion demonstrates the decrease of the antioxidating system and conditions the in-crease of medium molecules in the plasm and thrombocytes. The positive "Ecos" effect on the state of lipid peroxidic oxidation and the level of medium molecules in the organism of the calves is evidently in the correlation with its influence on the metabolism. Nevertheless, it appeared im-possible to reach the physiological level of lipid peroxidic oxidation and that of medium molecules. Suppression of the peroxidation and increase of the antioxidating potential of the plasm on the background of the decrease of medium molecules manifest considerable desintoxicational effect of the "Ecos" sorbent in newly born calves with functional indigestion. Positive dynamics of the indices in calves with functional indigestion taking "Ecos" demon-strates positive influence on the thrombocytic hemostasis. These effects are conditioned by the improvement of the metabolism, decrease in toxicity of the peroxidic oxidation of lipids and medium molecules in the plasm and thrombocytes and optimization of the reception of exogenic signals by thrombocytes. But for full correction of thrombocytic hemostasis the use of the "Ecos" is not sufficient. The growth of the time of aggregation of thrombocytes under the influence of Ristomycin in newly born calfs treated with "Ecos" demonstrates the decrease of Villebrand factor in the blood. Simultaneously, its concentration exceeded the normal level and the activity of the antioxidating system of thrombocytes was lower, than in the control. This preconditioned the repeated increase in the aggregational activity of thrombocytes. Low decrease of the intravascular activity under "Ecos" in newly born calfs with functional indigestion does not enable us to consider its use suffi-cient for decrease of the risk of thrombotic complications. The decrease of the intravascular thrombocytic activity was not sufficient, due to which the risk of its increase and development of thrombotic complications remains. Taking into consideration low corrective level of thrombocytic hemostasis with "Ecos" in newly born calves with functional indigestion, it's necessary to combine it with some other means of correction. This will enable us to facilitate the positive influence of "Ecos" on thrombocytic func-tions of newly born calves, to fix its effect and to decrease the repeated risk of the development of vascular complications.
Pages: 77-80
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