350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
I.A. Kirilova, V.T. Podorozhnaya, M.A. Sadovoy, I.Yu. Bedoreva
Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics developed and introduced the - Quality management system in medical care for adults and children in the field of traumatology, orthopaedics, and neurosurgery according to the requirements of International Standard ISO 9001: 2000?. Laboratory of Biotissue Procurement and Conservation providing surgical departments with bone grafts has been certified as a part of the Institute. The local standard - Provision of grafts for medical and diagnostic process - was developed and approved for the purpose of procedure devel-opment within the process. We developed for the first time and offered the algorithms and block schemes of technological processes of tissue graft procurement, conservation and sterilization in-cluding filing of incoming and outgoing documents at each stage of the process. The procedure within the process, practice guidelines, official responsibility and authority, assessment criteria, and general, temporal, and resource parameters of the process were determined. Development of new medical technologies and creation of the quality management system is considered as one of the most effective directions in the strategy of management in the context of collaboration between science and practice. In present-day conditions new medical technologies and quality of providing diagnostic and treatment process with transplants improve economical, medical, and social efficiency of the Institution.
Pages: 21-29
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