350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
V.A. Orlov, O.V. Strijakova, O.B.Fetisov
Cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the human body, as the leading determinants of somatic health, most acutely exposed to the environment and life style that is reflected in their functional status and leads to premature their pathology. The work presents the results of the comparative performance of experimental human cardiorespiratory systems (IPC, IOC, OCS), made a directly of gas-analytical method in the step-load test (using Cos med) and the estimated value of these characteristics, based on the measurement of PWC170 from 61 tested. The massive survey of the population (540 thousand people.) at age 10 - 60 years has enabled a unified database and statistically validity of the age-normative indicators and dividing them into six kvalimetricheskih levels. These standards and their definition total-structure method can be used for systematic observation of the monitoring for different groups, and identifying risk groups and preventive measures.
Pages: 33-37
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