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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
V. Ohanyan, G. Gukasyan, A. Trchounian
The respiratory activity of bacteria Pseudomonas putida and Erwinia herbicola, grown in deep periodic culture and at keeping of the culture during two months, has been studied by means of polarographic method of the determination of concentration of the dissolved oxygen. It was shown the linear dependency to velocities of the absorption of the oxygen (Vox) by bacteria from amount of the cells in bacterial suspension. Herewith specific Vox depends on growth phases of the culture and is minimal in stationary growth phase. A relationship between Vox and survival degree of bac-teria was installed. It was shown that ultrasonic (US) irradiation, warm-up and osmotic shocks, as well as limitation by exogenous source of the carbon (at keeping) suppress the respiratory activity of bacteria. These factors also affected survival degree of bacteria. It is discussed a using of polarographic determinations of the change to concentrations of the oxygen as indicator of bac-terial survival.
Pages: 19-25
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