350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The influence of clinorotation on cultured mesenchymal stromal cells derived from human bone marrow
Gershovich J.G., Gershovich P.M., and Buravkova L.B.
Mesenchymal stromal cells are the population of multipotential precursors of adult bone marrow stroma. In a past few years MSCs seem to be the best candidates for regenerative cell-based therapies. Differentiation potential and other aspects of MSC biology can be easy investigated in vitro. In this study we examined the effects of slow horizontal clinorotation (6 rpm) on human bone marrow derived MSCs. We revealed actin cytoskeleton remodeling after short clinorotation (up to 2 days). Also we demonstrated that long-term clinorotation (10-20 days) did not alter the efficiency of adipogenic differentiation of MSCs but reduced osteogenic differentiation of the cells as alkaline phosphatase activity was reduced and collagen type 1 structure was altered
Pages: 3-9
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