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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The Therapeutic Role of Macro- and Microelementary Compound in the Air of Speleoclimate Chamber
Dorokhov E.V., Zhogoleva O.A., Karpova A.V.
Current medicine requires new higher quality of treatment. Since drugs are thought to have a wide range of side effects, today-s medicine is searching for non-pharmaceutical clinical approaches. Speleoclimatetherapy (spelaion (greek) - cave ) is using of cave microclimate for medical purposes. Speleochamber is a room which walls, ceiling and floor are made from silvinit bricks. The microclimate components in the such chamber are the same with those in th natural silvinit cave. The basic microclimate component is the salt aerosol, it-s compound is dependent on cave-s minerals: silvin, galit, carnallit. The basic minerals - components are NaCl, KCl and MgCl2, also Fe, Br, Mn, Sr, B,Ti, Th, Cu, Li, Rb are found. Other components of cave microclimate are: constant temperature, high level of humidity, high air cleanness, air ionization and low level of radiation because of natural potassium isotope. All components beside their independent effects produce collaborative act and their influence causes adaptation. The adaptation principle underlies in the biological effect of speleotherapy. When one-s organism adapts to new conditions, it-s physiological reserves are not only stimulated, but also are increased to the new higher degree. We have conducted a complex research of speleotherapy role in treatment of various disorders. The investigations into speleotherapeutic effect on the state of broncho-pulmonary, cardio-vascular and immune system showed positive results, related to biological role of chemicals, contained in chamber-s air and speleotherapeutic adaptogenic effect. Hence, our data are thought to recommend speleoclimatetherapy as a component of curative and prophylactic complex for these disorders. Speleoclimatetherapy is an unique natural method which perspectives ought to be found
Pages: 70
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