350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Comparative Efficiency of Intraosteal and Paravertebral Blockades for Patients with Verтebrogenic Cardialgia Accompanied by Ischemik Disease
Sokov Ye.L., Filimonov V.A., Kornilova L.Ye., Ganzhula P.A.
100 patients with clinical presentations of thorax osteochondrosis, with reflex vertebral-cardiac disorders and ischemic disease, were investigated. Besides traditional therapy, 56 patients with clinical presentations of thorax osteochondrosis and ischemic disease obtained a course of intraosteal blockades, and 44 patients with clinical presentations of thorax osteochondrosis and ischemic disease obtained a course of paravertebral blockades. Efficiency of treatment was evaluated according to dynamics of pain syndrome parameters obtained by using the visual-analog scale data, and to change of a cardiac function and variability of a heart rate obtained by using ECG Holter monitoring data. It was observed that intraosteal blockades demonstrate higher therapy efficiency in comparison with treatment of patients with clinical presentations of thorax osteochondrosis and ischemic disease by paravertebral blockades
Pages: 59
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