T.G. Artyushina1
1 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
1 t.g.art@yandex.ru
The quality of technical solutions applied in ship design and construction is substantially determined by the validity of viscous flow parameters, especially in the vicinity of thrusters. The influence of shapes on velocity, pressure and turbulence distribution can be assessed by physical experimentation. Along with undeniable advantages, physical modelling has a number of disadvantages: high labour input and cost, limited range of parameters variation (e.g. Reynolds numbers), difficulty in separating the influence of individual factors. Therefore, the development of mathematical models and numerical calculation schemes based on them is extremely relevant. Calculation of friction resistance and calculation of the velocity field in the vicinity of a vessel comes down to the calculation of its boundary layer and trace parameters. Current mathematical models with a planar representation, i.e. working with projections rather than real curves, do not give an accurate description. This has led to the need for a mathematical model that can address all of the required characteristics of a three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer. Both differential and integral methods are used to calculate three-dimensional boundary layers. The model is capable of calculating the characteristics of the spatial boundary layer in the stern and the viscous wake, in the bow and in the middle of the vessel. The model is quite versatile: it has been successfully used both for computing the boundary layer characteristics in the bow and midship area by the integral method based on the thick boundary layer concept, and for computing the turbulent flow in the stern and viscous wake by the differential method based on the partial parabolic concept using the k-ε turbulence model. In this paper we will elaborate on the differential method calculation.
Artyushina T.G. Calculation of the three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer in the vessel’s bow and midship area by the integral method. Science Intensive Technologies. 2024. V. 25. № 6. P. 48−52. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/ j19998465-202406-07 (in Russian)
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