L.G. Statsenko1, N.E. Kolesnikova2, V.V. Petrosyanc3
1–3 Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)
1 statsenko.lg@dvfu.ru, 2 kolesnikova.nev@dvfu.ru, 3 petrosyants.vv@dvfu.ru
The paper attempts to estimate the level of possible interference in the single-frequency DVB-T2 network of Primorsky Krai based on the results of network modeling. The object of research is the largest single-frequency DVB-T2 network in Primorye, the Vladivostok zone, formed by 45 transmitting stations located in a square of about 250×250 km and operating on two television channels –
37 (the first multiplex) and 56 (the second multiplex). The study of the quality of the single-frequency DVB-T2 Primorye network was carried out on the basis of a simulation model of terrestrial television broadcasting implemented in a software package. The Longley-Rice radio wave propagation prediction model has been adopted for single-frequency network research. The accepted network operating parameters were used in the model. In the process of modeling and analyzing the data obtained, it was established that the complex terrain of Primorye generates numerous shadow zones that cannot be eliminated only by optimizing the broadcast parameters of transmitters. The high effective isotropically radiated power of individual single-frequency network transmitters, combined with a significant antenna height, can lead to intra-system interference. The results of modeling the DVB-T2 single-frequency network "Vladivostok zone" indicate that a similar situation is observed in the service area of two transmitters of the network: Ussuriysk and S. Razdolny.
Statsenko L.G., Kolesnikova N.E., Petrosyanc V.V. Features of single frequency network DVB-T2 primoriy. Science Intensive Technologies. 2024. V. 25. № 4. P. 67−76. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j19998465-202404-07 (in Russian)
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