A.О. Zhukov1, D.V. Prihodko2, V.N. Aldohina3, A.S. Gogolevskiy4, R.N. Galich5
1 Expert and Analytical Center (Moscow, Russia)
2–5 A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 aozhukov@mail.ru
Annotation Formulation of the problem. The massive number of small-sized spacecraft being launched determines the relevance of the availability of spacecraft monitoring the situation in outer space with high indicators of research capabilities. Qualitative modeling of the process of functioning of the monitoring and control system of aerospace involves the creation of a model of a spacecraft monitoring the situation in outer space, taking into account its operating modes. Existing models of such devices do not provide for imitation of the process of approaching the object of observation in order to conduct its research, without which it is impossible to obtain reliable data on the functioning of the monitoring system as a whole.
Target. Development of a model of a spacecraft observing the situation in outer space.
Results. It is shown that, knowing the position of the spacecraft observing the situation in outer space and the object of observation at the initial moment of time, it is possible to determine the momentum required to maneuver into the area where the object of observation is located. A priori data on the reserve of the characteristic velocity and statistical data on the use of a spacecraft observing the situation in outer space will be criteria for determining the possibility of research.
Practical significance. Simulation of the functioning of the spacecraft monitoring the situation in outer space provides reliable initial data for modeling the monitoring and control system of the aerospace.
Zhukov A.О., Prihodko D.V., Aldohina V.N., Gogolevskiy A.S., Galich R.N. A spacecraft observing the situation in outer space model as an element of an aerospace monitoring and control system. Science Intensive Technologies. 2024. V. 25. № 3. P. 34−45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j19998465-202403-03 (in Russian)
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