350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Tasks of objects spatio-temporal image processing in the passive system of radiovision
Type of article: different
UDC: 621.391

V.K. Klochko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Automatic and Information Technologies in Control, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: klochkovk@mail.ru
S.M. Gudkov – Post-graduate Student, Department of Radio Engineering Devices,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: s.m.gudkov@yandex.ru
Cong Hoai Nguyen – Post-graduate Student, Department of Radio Engineering Devices,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University

E-mail: nguyenconghoaikqh31891@gmail.com


Subject of the real research are small-size radiometers with the scanning antennas accepting signals of objects electromagnetic radiation in the millimetric range of lengths of waves. In case of antenna mechanical scanning of the review zone on angular data several minutes are spent. It complicates tracking moving objects by separate radiometers and requires creation of multiposition radiometric system. In operation the multiposition radiometric system consisting of several mutually remote and sequentially located on terrain radiometers working synchronously with overlapping of adjacent review zones is considered. By results of scanning matrixes of the radio thermal image (RTI) are created. Objects in case of its movement cross the superimposed review zones of radiometers.

Matrixes of RTI are exposed to segmentation operations, each segment is provided by the vector of parameters including segment center coordinates, average amplitude and its geometrical characteristics. The vectors which underwent identification on accessory to small objects are transferred to an information processing center for determination of objects spatial coordinates and creation of their movement paths on set of observed vectors of parameters.

In operation the following problems are solved: mutual orientation of observers coordinates systems on the basis of observed images of control objects; estimations of ranges to several freeform objects of observation and their spatial coordinates in every period of antennas scanning taking into account mutual orientation of observers; estimations of trajectory parameters of movement of objects in the sequence of scanning periods in results of multiposition system observation in real time. Results of working simulation of algorithms for methods realization are given.

Pages: 6-13
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Date of receipt: 2 апреля 2018 г.