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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis method of orthogonal encoding and decoding matrices based on integers, providing the implementation of code division of channels
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202308-05
UDC: 621.391.1

A.V. Rabin1, S.V. Rabin2, A.A. Zyulkov3, A.A. Kapralova4

1–4 FSAEI HE «St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace instrumentation» (SUAI) (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 alexey.rabin@guap.ru, 2 rabinserge@gmail.com, 3 seedmp322@yandex.ru, 4 kprlvn@yandex.ru


Currently, in Russia, as well as throughout the world, there is a significant increase in the demand and importance of information technology. The volume of information transmitted via switched communication channels, including space and satellite, is greatly increasing. Therefore, the task arises of developing switching device schemes with a smaller number of mathematical operations compared to analogues.

Goal – Develop principles for constructing schemes for implementing code channel combining on the transmitting side and code channel division on the receiving side of the communication system.

Based on an analytical review of modern scientific, technical, regulatory, methodological literature on switching methods and descriptions of mathematical models of signals, a study of the principles of switching using code channel division was carried out and proposals were developed for the synthesis of orthogonal encoding and decoding matrices, with the help of which channel division is possible using simple schemes.

The research results can be applied in space and satellite communications technologies, in real-time systems, in distributed systems in on-board equipment complexes, to ensure reliable information transmission.

Pages: 28-32
For citation

Rabin A.V., Rabin S.V., Zyulkov A.A., Kapralova A.A. Synthesis method of orthogonal encoding and decoding matrices based on integers, providing the implementation of code division of channels. Science Intensive Technologies. 2023. V. 24. № 8. P. 28−32. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j19998465-202308-05 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 01.11.2023
Approved after review: 15.11.2023
Accepted for publication: 20.11.2023